
This Lab focuses on gaining practical experience with issuing Verifiable Credentials' for legal entities whereby 3rd parties can then use those credentials as a verifier. In addition, the involved public and private organizations want to investigate the use of W3C Decentralized Identifier specification in combination with the EBSI Trust Registry.

The overarching use case for the joint Small Scale Pilot is e-Invoicing. An essential building block for the development of the 'digital economy'.
This small scale pilot will not address the complete e-Invoicing process and architecture, but addresses a number of base components and processes .


  • Objectives

    The first pilot implemented base components using the OpenID for Verifiable Credentials specification, which is also part of the EUDI Wallet ARF. The objectives include:

    - Setting up organizational wallets for participating legal entities.

    - Using the EBSI Trust Registry to issue and verify credentials such as Chamber of Commerce Numbers, VAT, and Tax Address details.

    - Publishing verifiable metadata on the EBSI network to establish trust between senders and receivers of e-Invoices.

    This lab laid the foundation for advanced features like secure sender/receiver discovery and decentralized “yellow pages” functionality (part 2). Part 3 can focus on the integration with the actual e-Invoicing software solutions.

  • Deliverables

    Implementation of 8 organizational wallets for multiple entities with:

    - DID and key management (implementing DID:EBSI method)

    - Issuance, holding, and verification of organizational credentials.

    - Registration of trusted issuers and schemas on the EBSI test network.

    - Demonstration of interoperability using OpenID for Verifiable Credential specifications (supporting OID4VCI and OID4VP flows).

    - Web interface for organizational wallet to manage DIF Presentation Exchange presentation definitions.

    ·      Issuer webpage for issuing 2 credentials based on the OID4VCI issuer-initiated flow

    ·      Demo relying party/verifier website for relying parties. This should demonstrate how credentials can be requested and verified.

  • Features

    ·      Source code published in publicly accessible Github repositories

    ·      To promote interoperability, the DIIP V2 (Decentralized Identity Interop Profile) is used;

    ·      EBSI (European Blockchain Services Infrastructure) is used for registering DID, together with the EBSI issuer trust model and the trusted schema registry;

    ·      Schemes for credentials are not expected to be formal and production ready;

    ·      Keys and seals are not (paid) production versions, but the technical formats are equal;

    ·      Interoperability specifications for organizational wallets are currently specified in the CompanyPassport project. This is work in progress.

Total budget


Total budget for 2 tech providers to develop 8 organizational wallets. This lab was funded by the Dutch Tax Authority, Dutch Camber of Commerce and Unified Post.

Involved Parties


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