Digital Trust

The new international movement dedicated to the continuous improvement of digital trust on the internet.

FIDES Manifesto | How can you participate

FIDES Supporters

Trusted Digital Identities

In the upcoming two years FIDES will focuse on the international adoption of trusted digital identities for people, organizations, and “things”. This effort aligns with new legislation such as eIDAS 2 (EU Digital Wallet), ESPR (Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation), and CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive). It also addresses global challenges like fake news and opaque supply chains.

“As long as you can’t be sure about who you interact with, which organization you interact with, or which “thing” you interact with, we are missing the opportunities of digital technology.”

"FIDES is a promising new international initiative focused on the adoption of digital identities and wallets. It aligns perfectly with the core values of the ECP Foundation. ECP is excited to leverage its 25 years of expertise in public-private partnerships to help make FIDES a success.”

Arie van Bellen
Director and Founder of ECP

FIDES Plugfest #1
Digital Wallets in Action

Date 7 November 2024
Location Amsterdam – Fort 5  

Come and see the current state of technology. What are the opportunities of digital wallets for citizens and companies?

  • Trusted webshops 

  • Trusted eBusiness 

  • Trusted Skills 

  • Trusted Digital Media